Sorry girls. I’ve gone fishing. I realize it was rude to just be putting this note up now but I didn’t realize this fishing trip would be so long. See, when Bob’s parents moved to Florida, we told them (out of the goodness of our hearts) that we’d drive their other car down and all of a sudden I feel like I’m lost in the Bermuda Triangle and have no will to do anything but read, check Instagram, and shop. Please forgive me. And since we haven’t gotten our return tickets yet, I’m just going to enjoy myself and not worry about anything except when am I going to get a fish sandwich.
But to catch you up, I went to JCrew and totally decided to copy off of Jess (sweater |shorts). Everyday has felt like a Saturday. We’ve been taking bike rides and forcing the dogs to swim at the dog beach. And I’ve been trying out this hair style and when that doesn’t work, I end up wearing my hair a lot like this (which has become my new favorite summer do).
Follow me on Instagram for some updates and I’ll see you when I can. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!