How was your weekend? Mine had high points, and some low points. The high point was definitely the baby shower I went to on Sunday, but we’ll have more on that later. My low point was when I tried on Saturday to bake bread for the second and third time only to have it fail for the second and third time.
I promise you, I’m not an idiot. I’ve baked bread before. I’ve even made this bread before! It’s really not that difficult, I know. I have no idea what the problem is! I’m guessing that there’s something wrong with the yeast.
Any bakers out there? Got any tips for me? I’m feeling so frustrated. All I want to do is bury my feelings in a cup of tea and some homemade bread and I just can’t! Ha ha!
But I will not give up. I will figure this out! I’m thinking my next step is to just go to my mom’s and watch everything she does. Do what’cha gotta do.
PS: Yes, I’ve worn these shorts every day since I’ve gotten them.
PPS: This tank is amazing too and was under 2 bucks in store. Got a black one too!